When my supervisor's assistant, Lala, introduced me to everyone in the office yesterday, she kept referring to me as the new "Stagiaire." Needless to say, I was very confused. I thought perhaps I was signed up for the wrong position. Clearly I am not up on my French lingo.

Today, Lala explained to me a little bit more about what my duties will be at IDF Europe. She told me that I will serve as a liaison between IDF Europe and the European Parliament by attending meetings at Parliament and coordinating information exchange between the two. Since there has been a recent changeover in MEP's, IDF Europe is focusing on attracting new MEP's to join a working group and promote diabetes awareness. I have to attend my first big meeting at the European Parliament on Monday morning with a few MEP's and some of the leaders for different Diabetes organizations to discuss the events for the upcoming World Diabetes Day which is to take place in November. I have included in this entry a photograph of the building in which I work. It is a "green" building...very popular over here in Europe.

Today I did a lot of research on the different political parties of the EU to learn more about which parties and committies are likely partners for IDF. I particularly enjoyed reading about the Greens, for some reason. They seem sort of Hippy-Chic haha.

During my lunch break, I spoke with my supervisor, Lex, about his newly acquired mobile home. He told me about his plans to take it to Holland, his homeland. What a great way to take advantage of the different cultures and histories that are within driving distance over here in Europe.

Before Lala left for the evening, she informed me that she has "dinner parties" every Wednesday evening, and invited me to join sometime. Unfortunately, I have class every Wednesday evening, but I hope to attend at some point. At the very least, it was a very thoughtful invitation.

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