Beautiful Brussels sunset outside of my work.
As my journey draws closer and closer to the finish line, I am an absolute mess of mixed emotions.  I am worn out from all of the travelling and schoolwork, and I long for the moment when I can truly relax and know that I don't have to worry about another paper or travel booking or project.  There is no doubt that I am having an absolutely amazing time, but I am also overwhelmed with...well, stuff.  Whenever I have a moment to sit still, I feel like there is something else that I should be working on or doing. 

Part of this stems from the fact that there is still so much that I want to do.  In Brussels alone, there are so many little places unexplored, foods untasted, and markets un-perused.  Will I ever have time to stop into that quaint little boutique with the gorgeous scarves that I have passed on the way back from school too many times to count?  Will I have enough time to check out that cozy coffee shop on Avenue Louise?  Are there enough nights left to go dancing at the Fuse club that we have heard so much about?

I look around me as I walk the streets of my neighborhood, and I take it all in: the distinct architecture of the European rowhouses, the French/Dutch signs, the biking couple.  Soon, I remind myself, this will all be a memory.  While I cannot wait to be reunited with my family and to sleep under the covers of my very own bed, it will be hard to let it all go.

It is truly a strange feeling to be soaking up the moment, but counting down the minutes.

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