Translation: "Let's have fun like idiots!"  Thanks to Rick Steves, I am well-equipped with witty and useful phrases as I prepare to venture out on my European journey.  Michael has picked out his favorites for me to recite and memorize.  I can successfully ward off creepers, decline expensive items, and request to reserve an entire train ("Je voudrais reserver le train entier").  Pretty useful, I think.

Packing has been okay.  I already knew in my head which outfits and items I wanted to bring along with me, so the initial choosing process went pretty quickly.  Now I am putting off the hard part: cutting out 75% of those selections.  So I will just sit here with Michael and watch Tyra do her thang on Bravo's Top Model marathon.  Productive, right?

It hasn't quite hit me that at this time tomorrow, I will be on my way to the airport, to board a plane for Europe.  My home for the next four months will be in Brussels, Belgium.  It's surreal.  I feel like, until now, my pending journey to Brussels has merely been a fun story to tell people.  They ask my plans for the future, I tell them the story of a girl who is bound for Brussels to study and intern, they ooo and aaah, I smile and think, "Yeah, doesn't that sound cool?"  And then, "Oh wait. That's me." 

At this point, I don't know what daily life will be like.  I think it will be cold.  And busy.  And fun (but not idiotically so).  I guess I'll be finding out soon enough...
Michael Barlow
8/13/2009 06:49:45 am

My blog be like oooooahhhh oooooooahhhh


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